“To love at all is to be vulnerable…”
-C.S. Lewis
Why Counseling?
In a time where mental health concerns are on the rise, counseling is more beneficial than ever before. We are bombarded with unlimited amounts of information, beliefs, and options. We are constantly being influenced by many worldly voices of contradicting ideas, solutions, and directions, and there is a need to know how to process and decipher the validity and healthiness of all these voices.
Counseling with me will help you find healing through the True Healer and develop a heart and mind that recognize His truth and live in it. Counseling will not guarantee an end to your pain. Rather, it will help you process, heal from, and even benefit from pain by directing you in very practical ways to the One who can do immeasurably more than what we can ask or think.
Behind the name Ezekiel37.
The one common underlying quest when coming to counseling is to find the answer to the question, “Is there hope?” My answer to that is YES!!! If God can take dry skeleton bones to become human bodies with flesh and then breathe life into them to become a strong army, then even the deadest of situations have hope for revival. That incredible story of hope is found in Ezekiel 37 of the Bible. Ezekiel37 is another name for hope and newness, and that is what you can achieve in counseling.